Get to know: Q&A with Josh Wallace
In this week’s Get to know: Q&A with… we catch up with Josh Wallace from the Medical Workforce Unit.
What is your coffee order?
Depending on how I feel, a skinny cap or chai latte.
Can you tell us more about your role – what does it involve?
Working in Medical Workforce, we are responsible for the recruitment and rostering of Junior Doctors for Northern Health. My role is to look after Surgical Services and Critical Care. I also have a large involvement with recruitment of internationally graduated doctors, setting up VISA’s and Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) Registration, upon being successful.
What did you do before starting at Northern Health?
Before starting at Northern Health I had a few jobs whilst I was studying. I had originally started a carpentry apprenticeship before giving that away. After that, I went back to uni to study an Advanced Diploma in Justice, whilst also working night shifts in a gaming venue. Studying and attending class during the day then working overnight was pretty intense.
What do you enjoy most about your role?
Working in an environment that is enjoyable and challenging, and being able to come in everyday and something new happen.
Do you have a bucket list item?
Yes, I’d love to be able to travel the world and go to all different types of sporting events (NBA, EPL, La Liga, Bundesliga, Serie A, World Cup, plus many others).
Where is a favourite place you’ve travelled to and why?
I haven’t gone there yet, but I’ve got some leave in July to go see the Ashes over in England which I think will be my favourite. If I have to pick one, climbing to the top of a volcano in Bali was pretty cool!
What are some things people don’t know about you?
I own a Facebook group called Wallace Reviews, where I review movies and video games I watch and play. It started off as a little side project and got quite popular, so it was banned on Facebook. It’s back now though, feel free to check it out!
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
Playing sports, video games and watching movies. I play footy for Diggers Rest Football Club and basketball two times a week. You’ll also often find me in the Members section at Mooney Valley on most Friday night meets.
What do you see yourself doing in the future?
I’d like to hopefully become a firefighter for the MFB.
How would you describe Northern Health in one sentence?
Growing into something special.
Who would you nominate next for a staff profile?
Elijah Armour from Human Resources – he is very good at what he does and the organisation needs to know more about him.