Northern’s Rising Star: Alysha Spencer
Alysha Spencer is Northern Health’s Rising Star, awarded for her work, diligence and passion at our recent Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards.
“I was so shocked to hear I won,” Alysha explains.
“It was very surprising.”
Alysha has been at Northern Health for around two years, staring as a business trainee and then as an employee of Northern Health from October 2018.
“With my team, it just makes me want to come to work every day,” Alysha said.
In her role as an Organisational Capability Advisor, Alysha assists with Northern Health’s Work Experience Program, and holds work experience orientation sessions every Monday morning, welcoming new students to our organisation.
“I also help with the Certificate 3 Program, as well as Certificate 2 students who come as Community Service or Business Administration students, and I really enjoy meeting new people,” she added.
While enjoying her role in welcoming students to Northern Health, she also adds that she enjoys working with her team.
“I wish to excel and exceed in my role, and I can see myself in the future working with the same people and getting to know my role more. In the future, I would love to do more in this role.”
Emily Dawson, Director Organisational Capability, nominated Alysha for the award saying that she has been a fantastic addition to Northern Health and always completes work with diligence, going above and beyond to ensure she is doing the best she can at all her tasks.
“She has picked up on everything very quickly and she will be supported to have a long career at Northern Health. She is a rising star, as she has demonstrated a great pathway into Northern Health, and it is her work ethic and passionate approach that has seen her rise from a work experience student, to a full time member of staff,” Emily added.
Sponsored by Maxxia and BankVic, our Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards have been designed to formally recognise outstanding contributions by our employees and celebrate staff excellence. Nominations are now open: click here to nominate.