Farewell Sandra Gillatt & Joan Sinclair
Sandra Gillatt started at PANCH on 5 November 1986, and was part of the team that moved over to Northern Hospital Epping in 1998. That same year, Joan Sinclair started at Northern Hospital.
After collectively and faithfully serving Northern Health for 54 years, they retired this month and were given a touching farewell today by their colleagues and workmates. They were joined by senior executives, Michell Fenwick, Basil Ireland, Greg Warman and Chief Operating Officer, Jane Poxon.
Reminiscing over her time here, Sandra says:
“In 1998 when we moved from PANCH to here, the train station was a long way from the hospital – public transport was nothing like it is today. The same patients we knew at PANCH would walk to the hospital – elderly people would walk 10, 15 minutes from the train station to get to their new hospital.”
“I’ve seen patients who came to PANCH to have their babies, now in their old age at Northern, coming in for the birth of their grandchildren. We’ve seen happy and sad times.”
Joan adds, “So much has changed. Even with the hospital – it is unbelievable. So many changes, so many memories.”
“There was this gentleman who would ring us at all hours of the night and day. He wanted someone to talk to. He was in a nursing home with his wife who was sick and couldn’t communicate with him. He felt completely isolated.”
“He would call and say, Hello, I don’t want to bother you, I just want to speak to someone.”
“All the staff knew him and would talk to him. We rang him back often. Somebody took chocolates for him to his nursing home,” she adds.
Sue Lisle, Communications Supervisor (who joined the same year as Sandra did), says:
“Both Joan and Sandra have been fantastic team members and have so much knowledge of Northern Health. They both have great customer service skills, are reliable and knowledgeable.”
“They have been an asset to Northern Health and they will be missed by staff and visitors alike.”
Jane Poxon conveyed the best wishes from the Chief Executive and the executive team and said, “Joan and Sandra have served Northern Hospital in a very vital and challenging role – the front office of our hospital. They have been the face and voice of Northern Health. We will dearly miss them in this role and wish them the very best in their retirement.”