IDAHOBIT: Celebrating diversity in our community
On Friday, Northern Health celebrated IDAHOBIT – International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia & Transphobia – a day where we stand with the LGBTIQ community.
Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia can occur online, face to face and affect everyone by creating spaces where people feel unsafe and like they can’t be themselves. Sexuality and gender identity or intersex status aren’t always visible, so creating a culture where everyone feels safe is so important.
At Northern Health, we encourage our staff to celebrate diversity and are committed to creating a safe space for staff, patients and members of the community.
As part of the IDAHOBIT celebrations this year, we hosted the Inaugural Genderbread Bake-Off. The joint winners were Karen Overall, Primary Care Liaison, and Sophie Rodier, Patient Experience & Consumer Participation Manager. Karen participated in this event as she feels, “it is important to support our diverse community to ensure equality for all regardless of gender, religious and cultural differences”.
We also held two information sessions, delivered by a prominent GP/LGBTI Health Expert, Dr Ruth McNair.