The 2019 People Matter Survey: An opportunity to make a difference
The 2019 People Matter Survey will run until Friday, 31 May. This survey is your opportunity to provide Northern Health with feedback on what is working well and what we need to be doing differently. Your feedback is important because it helps drive a number of key initiatives.
Dr Rachael Coutts, Associate Director of Medical Education and Emergency Physician, is a firm believer in the importance of hearing from staff.
Rachael played a pivotal role in the ‘Conversations on Mental Wellness’ initiative coinciding with R U OK Day in September; a week of speaking events, education sessions and wellbeing initiatives for the whole Northern Health workforce.
“By opening up these conversations, we provided the opportunity for each of us to examine our own workplace environment, our unit, or department and question the culture and practice and begin to advocate for and create change,” says Rachael.
For her work in developing a strategic wellbeing framework and an initiative to facilitate conversations on mental wellness, she won the Inaugural Australasian College of Emergency Medicine (ACEM) Wellbeing Award.
Over recent years, some of the key initiatives driven from staff feedback includes increasing communication through iNews and Chief Executive Updates, reviving our Annual Staff Awards and introducing a new Quarterly Staff Reward and Recognition Program. Other initiatives include staff safety programs such as Mental Health Week, Fatigue Management and Pilates, Mindfulness and Financial Wellbeing Programs.
“The feedback we get from staff is what helps us grow as an organisation – and also identify what needs to change,” says Rachael.
“We are truly committed to making Northern Health a great place to work. I would urge our staff to use this opportunity to make a difference through The People Matter Survey.”
Click here to complete the survey. You can complete the survey anywhere, any time of the day and on any device that has Internet access. The survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.