July 23, 2019

Orthoptists win Clinical Excellence Award

The orthoptists working in the ophthalmology department at Broadmeadows Hospital won the ‘Clinical Excellence’ award at the Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards held in May.

They were nominated by Dr Jonathan Kam, Ophthalmologist, who said it was this team who motivated him to join their department.

“The clinical excellence of the orthoptists at Broadmeadows working in the ophthalmology department for Northern Health, are the single most important reason the ophthalmology department has been able to service so many patients without fail over so many years, despite multiple medical team changes. They are the reason I joined the ophthalmology department team as a Visiting Medical Officer (VMO), after I had seen them in action whilst I was a registrar.”

The team was excited to win, and said the award for them means recognition, appreciation and a great sense of achievement.

“This award encompasses the entire ophthalmology team who continue to thrive towards excellence and patient-centred care in the eye clinic. We enjoy contributing to the care of our patient’s visual health and have an input in improving their sight, quality of life and wellbeing. We also enjoy working with a dedicated team of ophthalmologists who are highly supportive and committed to our professional development,” the team said.

They describe Northern Health as a team which is “committed, dedicated and working collaboratively towards excellence,” and has big dreams for the future.

“We hope to see the orthoptic and ophthalmology department expand to become a fully operational, sustainable service managing patients with complex cataract, glaucoma, retinal and neurological vision disorders, both surgically and non-surgically across five days.”

When they talk about the future of Northern Health, in five years from now they hope to see a “continued improvement of the organisation, meeting strategic goals that contribute to the delivery of excellent patient experiences, and expanding to meet the growing needs of the community.”

The orthoptic department have been a part of Northern Health for over 10 years and relocated from Northern Hospital Epping to Broadmeadows Hospital in 2013. The team consists of three permanent senior clinicians and have recently welcomed a new casual and grade 1 staff member.

Team members at Broadmeadows Hospital

Sponsored by Maxxia and BankVic, our Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards have been designed to formally recognise outstanding contributions by our employees and celebrate staff excellence. Nominations for the next awards are now open. To nominate a staff member, click here.

Featured image (left to right): Leyla Avci, Senior Orthoptist (Sitting); Zeina Dayoub, Senior Orthoptist (Sitting); Anastasia Giantsis, Senior Orthoptist (Standing); Hiba Casado, Grade 1 Orthoptist (Standing). Team member absent on the day: Adam Kaucki (Orthoptist).