Our reputation, our brand and our identity
Our reputation and brand identity are linked to our value in the community – who rely on us to provide the health care and services they need. Northern Health’s growing reputation is a credit to our staff and their professionalism and commitment to their work.
Over the last two years, Public Affairs has consulted with staff, consumers and volunteers to seek feedback and develop a whole of organisation approach to branding to create greater consistency and brand awareness.
Our website was updated six months ago following the upgrade of the intranet and the establishment of iNews. We now have a strong and regular presence in local newspapers and our patient care is profiled in metropolitan and national media.
In recent years we have been well known and regarded for the way we manage growth in demand for services – now we are being recognised for our innovation in health care in our approach to dealing with this demand.
Our logo and Style Guide
Twelve months ago our logo was simplified to provide a more modern style, reflecting our organisation as a modern and progressive health service.
Updating our logo will be a gradual process. Most of our logo applications are electronic or printed on-demand and major signage will only be changed in line with maintenance requirements.
Our new brand is visible through logos on our modern vehicle fleet being seen through the northern suburbs seven days a week and on our intranet, website and iNews.
Our new Style Guide includes a range of templates including letterheads, email signature blocks and PowerPoint presentations. The Style Guide and templates are now available on the intranet and our logo procedure is available on Prompt.
Consistent application of our logo and style guidelines not only enhances the professionalism of our brand, it also acts as legal protection for our registered trademarks.
Names of our sites
As part of our brand review, the names of our key health care facilities have been updated.
Our Broadmeadows campus was renamed Broadmeadows Hospital over two years ago when the new expanded elective surgery centre was opened. More recently, the names of our other three facilities have been simplified. ‘The Northern Hospital’ has been simplified to ‘Northern Hospital’. Bundoora is now known as ‘Bundoora Centre’ and Craigieburn will be known as ‘Craigieburn Centre’. We’ve also simplified the abbreviations for Northern Health and the sites, which have been included in the Style Guide.
These names and abbreviations are to be used now – and will be formally in place by 31 December this year.
We can all be very proud to be part of an organisation that is adapting to a changing health care landscape within one of the one of the fastest growing communities in Australia. Our commitment to Trusted Care for our patients, the new ways we are developing for people Staying Well at home and our growing translational research initiatives are continually strengthening our brand and reputation.
Andrew Williamson
Executive Director Public Affairs and Foundation