Stay safe in heat
With the temperatures rising to 43 degrees today, it’s important to stay safe and protected from the heat, as well as to keep an eye on the fire warnings.
Jason Amos, Manager, Emergency Management, said today is an Extreme Fire Danger Day in Central and North Central Districts along with most of the State of Victoria.
“These conditions may have a serious impact on Northern Health and our community, and have the potential to place patients, staff, volunteers and other workplace participants at risk. Please stay aware of the fire danger rating and know what to do at all times. The chart below can help,” he said.
Extreme heat can be serious, especially for elderly, people working outdoors, children, pets and people with chronic conditions.
Here are some tips on how to stay safe during a heat wave:
- Drink water, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Take a bottle with you always.
- Hot cars kill. Never leave kids, older people or pets in cars. The temperature inside a parked car can double within minutes.
- Keep cool. Seek out air-conditioned buildings, draw your blinds, use a fan, take cool showers and dress in light and loose clothing made from natural fabrics.
- Plan ahead. Schedule activities in the coolest part of the day and avoid exercising in the heat. If you must go out, wear a hat and sunscreen and take a bottle of water with you.
- Check in on others. Look after those most at risk in the heat – your neighbour living alone, the elderly, the young, people with a medical condition and don’t forget your pets.
Everyone can be affected by hot weather and it is important that you take care whenever the temperatures start to rise. A heatwave over a period of days, or even a single day of extreme heat, may cause illnesses such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, as Better Health suggests.