Northern Pathology turns one
Northern Pathology Victoria just completed one year of service – a year in which it processed over 1.3 million tests and 400,000 patient requests, and received accreditation from the National Association of Testing Authorities, Australia (NATA).

As the first public pathology service in 40 years, it offers Gene Xpert testing for Flu/RSV, a Complex Coagulation Laboratory and a suite of onsite tests including tumour markers, haemolysis screen, HbA1c as well as high sensitivity troponin.
When asked about the future plans, Dr Prahlad Ho, Program Director – Diagnostic Services and Director of Clinical Haematology says 2020 will see the introduction of a total automation system, including a track and the expansion of current on-site laboratory repertoire to include thalassaemia testing, protein electrophoresis and bcr-abl, Factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutation.
“There’s also the ongoing collaboration with our external partners to ensure the availability of cutting edge laboratory tests for our patients” says Prahlad.
Dr Frank Hong, Director of Northern Pathology, says, “It has been a challenging year. However, with the hard work of every one of our staff, and the support of the clinicians, we have established a brand new public pathology service that we can all be very proud of. While this is a huge achievement, it is only the beginning and we will strive to make Northern Pathology Victoria even better.”
Shiraz Lubke, Operations Manager, who has seen how the service has grown in this one year, had this to say, “I feel privileged to have been part of the successful go – live of the Pathology Service. Over the past twelve months, there have been many challenges to which we have risen and overcome. There is still much to be done and the next 12 months promise to be exciting for Pathology at Northern Health.”