February 6, 2020

Welcome Certificate III students!

This week, we welcomed six Certificate III Students to Northern Health for 2020.

The students will be working across many different departments, including pathology, finance, HRO, allied health and engineering/gardening services.

Alysha Spencer, Advisor, People and Culture, explained this program provides our students with business administration experience, recognised business experience and qualifications through our partnership with Apprenticeships Group Australia (AGA).

“These students have joined us from various high schools in the northern catchment area. A highlight for Northern Health this year is welcoming our first Engineering student, Blake Dennehy. Blake is currently completing a Certificate III in Parks and Gardens, and he will work across all four sites to ensure our grounds are kept well maintained,” she said.

Penelope Grellet, Director, Organisational Capability, explained how partnering with AGA has proven highly successful for Northern Health in previous years.

“A number of former AGA students are now full-time team members at Northern Health, and we are genuinely pleased to be able to continue this opportunity in 2020. We look forward to supporting our students, who are mostly successful graduates of our Certificate II program, in achieving their goals and setting them up for future success,” she said.

Michelle Fenwick, Executive Director, People and Culture, said over the last four years, the program has not just been developed at Northern Health to include nurses, clinicians and allied health, but to also ensure that we have succession planning for the non clinical workforce.

“This is certainly a valuable group within the administrative and support services side. This is our next crop of Northern Health employees who I am sure will have 10, 15 or 20 years of service at Northern Health,” she said.

One of the students completing their Certificate III, Amanda Samuela, said, “I am really excited to start working in Pathology and learning a lot in administration.”

If you see any of the students around Northern Health, please say hello and make them feel welcome!

Featured image (left to right): Dawn Comerford, AGA Field Officer; Michelle Fenwick, Executive Director; Amanda Samuela, student; Penelope Grellet Director; Alysha Spencer Advisor; Vesna Amituanai Tafili, student; Chloe Moorcroft, student; Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive; Blake Dennehy, student.  Absent: Alexandra Price, student.