Celebrating International Women’s Day
This morning, Northern Health Foundation hosted a sold-out breakfast event in celebration of International Women’s Day, coming together to acknowledge the achievements of women.
Held at Mantra Epping, guests enjoyed a delicious breakfast in the company of women and men within the health care industry and from the local community.
Debra Bourne, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, who was the driving force behind the event, opened the breakfast and said the event celebrated and acknowledged the significant contribution all women at Northern Health make to not only improving the health wellbeing of our community, but also the support we provide to each other.
“Northern Health is extremely fortunate to have strong female leaders in all areas of this organisation providing important role models and having a clear strong voice in creating an empowered workplace,” she said.
Inspiring guest speakers included Jennifer Williams AM, Northern Health Board Chair, Dr Nancy Sadka, Emergency Physician and ED Clinical Lead in Education and Research and Shiraz Lubke, Northern Pathology Victoria Operations Manager.
Facilitated by Project Manager, Ariana Carrodus, Jennifer, Nancy and Shiraz answered questions and led discussions around juggling work-life balance, supporting young women and women in the workplace, the importance of gender equality and celebrating the ordinary moments of life, as well as the extraordinary.
Jennifer, Nancy and Shiraz also touched on society expectations of women and having confidence in yourself.
Nancy said, “I can be a leader in my field and be myself. I do not need to be more masculine or more feminine, I just need to be Nancy.”
Ariana Carrodus said, “It was such a pleasure to be part of the inaugural event – to take the time to celebrate women, talk about some of the biggest issues facing women and how we can all work together to shift inequality. It was thought provoking and an inspiring morning hearing from three incredible Northern Health women.”
International Women’s Day (IWD), celebrated this year on 8 March, is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. This year, IWD celebrated under the theme – ‘Each for Equal’ – acknowledging that, collectively, each one of us can help to create a gender equal world.
Thank you to all of the amazing women who work and volunteer at Northern Health!
“i want to apologize to all the women i have called beautiful
before i’ve called them intelligent or brave
i am sorry i made it sound as though
something as simple as what you’re born with
is all you have to be proud of
when you have broken mountains with your wit
from now on i will say things like
you are resilient, or you are extraordinary
not because i don’t think you’re beautiful
but because i need you to know
you are more than that”
― Rupi Kaur
Featured Image (left to right): Ariana Carrodus, Project Manager; Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive; Jennifer Williams AM, Northern Health Board Chair; Shiraz Lubke, Northern Pathology Victoria Operations Manager; Dr Nancy Sadka, Emergency Physician and ED Clinical Lead in Education and Research, Debra Bourne, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer