Community kids share the love
Young members of our community are sending messages of hope and support, even in times of social distancing, and especially to our health care workers on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Last week, in order to help protect our volunteers, we made the difficult decision to suspend our volunteer program across all sites – and they are being missed greatly across Northern Health. We are very grateful for the dedication and hard work of our volunteers and look forward to welcoming them back when it is safe to do so.
In recognition of our wonderful staff, some of our volunteers’ grandchildren and nieces and nephews have written letters and drawn pictures to thank staff for all they are doing during this challenging time.
All clinical and non-clinical staff across Northern Health are banding together to support each other and help keep our community safe. The volunteers and their loved ones had a collective message for all of us:
“Thank you to all of our staff that are continuing to work during this health crisis.
From Northern Health volunteers and their family/friends”.
In addition to the letters from some of our younger community members, students at Northside Christian College recently dropped off letters to the residents of Ian Brand Nursing Home at Bundoora Centre.
Northside students had been regularly visiting residents before changes to visiting requirements were introduced due to the current pandemic.
53 letters were recently delivered to delighted residents, providing words of hope and support, and showing them that the students are missing them.