Happy International Nurses Day!
This year, the World Health Organization (WHO) has designated 2020 as the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife.
Under the theme ‘Caring Together’, over the last few months, Northern Health has been showcasing the importance of nursing, in a series titled ‘Postcard to my Younger Self’, featuring senior nursing staff from Judy Sonneveld, Monica Dowling, Gavin Fahey, Luma Gashi to Valeria Konova-Tscholakow and Nazih Beydoun. The ‘postcards’ reflect the influence of our senior nursing staff and takes the form of advice to their younger self.
Today on the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth, we surprised our nursing staff with live music, symbolic gifts, a special guard of honour and live music at all our centres. Georgia Pitts, a former music therapist at our Children’s Ward, performed for nursing staff at both Northern Hospital and Craigieburn Centre. Miia Leslie, also a music therapists performed for staff at Broadmeadows Hospital and Paula Martinez for staff at Bundoora Centre.
Debra Bourne, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer said “It was great to welcome nursing staff coming in for their morning shift and let them know how special they are. I am very proud of our nurses and midwives and their achievements,” she said.
Here are some videos and photos of our celebrations.
A video where we paid a special tribute to all nurses around the world:
Our Emergency Department staff, join the celebration:

Georgia Pitts serenading staff coming in for their morning shift.