Strategic priority 3: An innovative, sustainable future
Northern Health’s Strategic Plan 2020-24 has five priorities, including one that focuses on our innovative, sustainable future.
The goal of working towards a future that enables innovation and is focused on sustainability means that, as an organisation, we will focus on building and maintaining strong financial management and eliminating waste and inefficiencies. Waste can be behavioural, clinical and administrative, and by reducing the waste, we will be able to release resources and transform the organisation to deliver value to our communities and founders.
Additionally, by investing in new opportunities and innovations, including digital processes, and by expanding our services in the community, we are delivering trusted care and improving our reputation.
“A strong reputation in the community is important to us as we want to be a trusted and a value-based provider of health care,” said Wanda Stelmach, Divisional Director Surgery.
Sophie Argiriou, Director, Project Management Office, said, “An innovative, sustainable future is about Northern Health being recognised as a leader in healthcare innovation”.
Karen Green, Director Capital Development, explained our expansion projects, adding: “Northern Health is expanding our infrastructure to ensure we can cater for our growing community and their care needs”.
One of the key initiatives when it comes to improving our digital processes is the Electronic Medical Record (EMR) project.
Trish Aldridge, EMR Project Director, said: “EMR will transform our patient’s care to improve efficiencies, safety and quality”.
Please see the video below to hear more on what “an innovative, sustainable future” means to some of our staff: