Happy Perioperative Nurses Week!
This week Northern Health celebrates Perioperative Nurses Week!
Here at Northern Health, we have over 220 dedicated perioperative nurses who work behind the closed doors of our operating suites, providing exceptional care to patients and their families.
Our perioperative nurses work at both Northern Hospital Epping and Broadmeadows Hospital, caring for surgical patients from the time they are admitted through to after their procedure. They have a specialised skillset and work together with the surgical team to provide safe, trusted care.
To acknowledge their work over the past year, the team have organised a number of activities, including receiving certificates of appreciation and a gift of gratitude, virtual trivia and lucky dip prizes. During the week, staff from different areas will also have the opportunity to write a pledge (pictured above) to show their commitment to #operatingwithrespect – a campaign created by the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons to tackles the issues of bullying, harassment and unacceptable behaviours in the workplace.
Northern Health commits to the principles of #operatingwithrespect and will be actively promoting and supporting respectful communication between, not only staff in the operating theatre complex, but to all staff involved in the care and management of surgical patients.
Brylie Wilson, Broadmeadows Surgical Centre Nurse Unit Manager, expressed her admiration for her team of dedicated perioperative nurses – especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The Broadmeadows Surgical Centre team have been adaptive, dedicated, resilient and caring throughout this pandemic. It has been truly humbling to work alongside so many nurses who were willing to do whatever it takes to help during this challenging time,” she said.
“Thank you to all the Northern Health periop nurses! You are amazing each and every day, making a tremendous contribution to the surgical services division. I am proud to say I am a part of such an amazing team,” she added.
Linda Romano, Divisional Director Nursing, Surgical Services, equally expressed her appreciation for the team.
“At Northern Health, we certainly do appreciate our perioperative nurses! Perioperative Nurses Week is a way we can celebrate the hard work and role all perioperative nurses play in caring for Northern Health patients throughout their entire surgical journey,” Linda said.
“I really value all their work and express my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for the greater impact they have on our Northern community. It’s amazing how our perioperative nurses have found ways to work together and overcome any obstacle, especially during our recent challenges, and continue to provide excellent care for our patients,” Linda added.
Yesterday, Tracey Wyllie was announced as the Perioperative Services Manager. She said, “I am proud and humbled to be able to lead the wonderful teams at Northern Health.”
“I have worked with most of you through my career at Northern and I am always so proud of the dedication and professionalism demonstrated day in and day out. You are all truly remarkable,” Tracey added.
This week, Northern Health is also celebrating Research Week 2020 and one of our inspiring researchers is Zahra Nasr, PhD Scholarship Recipient from Northern Health Foundation. Zahra is undertaking research in the perioperative space, investigating ‘engaging patients in the prevention and management of postoperative nausea and vomiting’. For more information about Northern Health Research Week, please click here.