Week Without Violence
Week Without Violence is a global campaign to end violence against women. The campaign originally began in the USA in 1995 and, over the past two decades, organisations around the world have hosted community events to end violence.
Tanya Ellis, Project Support Officer, Strengthening Hospital Response to Family Violence, explained activities focus on raising awareness, promoting attitude change and enabling individuals and organisations to begin positive actions towards ending violence in their communities.
“The campaign occurs in the third week of October each year. The Northern Metropolitan region has had a proud history of participation in Week Without Violence, primarily through the Clothesline Project, which focuses on raising awareness about family violence,” she said.
Northern Health is committed to providing a workplace in which violence is not tolerated or excused, and people who may be experiencing family violence are supported.
“There are several entitlements, including family violence leave, as well as other supports offered to staff who are victims/survivors of family violence. Northern Health has implemented an OH&S – Staff Support for Family Violence Policy to ensure the organisation is doing everything possible to support staff members affected and/or impacted by family violence,” she explained.
“If staff have concerns about a patient experiencing, or at risk of, experiencing violence then please offer a referral to social work or consult with social work,” she added.
There are many myths and misconceptions relating to family violence, Tanya explains. She adds that what we do know is that family violence is a prevalent issue within our community.
“Family violence is about power and control and can occur in the form of physical, sexual, verbal, emotional or financial abuse. Family violence does not discriminate and anyone can be a victim/survivor of violence,” she said.
The ‘Strengthening Hospital Response to Family Violence’ project team are running various activities to promote the week throughout the organisation.
There are stands in the main foyer at Northern Hospital Epping, Bundoora Centre and Broadmeadows Hospital, and the team will be delivering Family Violence Training today from 2.15 pm to 3 pm. To join, please click on this link: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting.
Featured image (left to right): Harindhi Wimaladharmai, Anna Chu, Samantha Williamson, Tanya Ellis, social workers