December 23, 2020

And the winner is… Christmas Decorating Competition!

The Northern Health Annual Christmas Decorating Competition was on again in 2020. After a challenging year, staff were encouraged to deck Northern Health’s halls with COVIDSafe cheer!

By decorating work areas, staff have brought much joy and delight to our patients, visitors and their families.

Once again, our Christmas decorating competition has attracted numerous creative entries across our Northern Health’s campuses.

Northern Health judges, Debra Bourne, Acting Chief Operating Officer, Andrew Williamson, Executive Director, Public Affairs and Foundation, Grant Taylor, Site Director Broadmeadows Hospital and Craigieburn, and Kirralee Jensen, Acting Site Director, Bundoora Centre, visited sites to judge the wonderful decorating.

Entries were marked based on visual impact, creativity and craftsmanship, and all the judges agreed our staff have shown incredible skill, effort and true festive spirit!

And the winners are…

  • First prize – $1,000: Children’s Ward (Ward 2), Northern Hospital
  • Second prize – $200: Ward 4, Northern Hospital
  • Third prize – $200: Administration Office, Broadmeadows Hospital

Thank you to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winners. Please see the images from the winning departments below.

Children’s Ward (Ward 2)

Ward 4, Northern Hospital

Administration Office, Broadmeadows Hospital

We hope you have a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!