Executive patient safety walk-arounds – Understanding what matters
Our ‘Executive patient safety walk-arounds’ are integral to improving safety and getting the feedback from the staff on the floor, patients and their families. Due to COVID-19, the walks have been slightly modified, but will continue throughout 2021, commencing from next week.
Based on feedback gathered during walk-arounds, the team monitors the improvements suggested and puts in place clear strategies and procedures to reduce risk in those areas.
Debra Bourne, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer, said they are a great opportunity for the Executive team, with consumers, to walk around each unit and speak with our staff and their patients.
“This is a great opportunity to talk and understand what matters to them and how we can improve things to keep them safe in their unit,” she said.
Briana Baass, Chief Allied Health Officer and Partnerships, highlighted the continued collaboration with consumers, and said consumers are actively participating in safety improvements for a certain ward or area, while families provide feedback by the bedside.
“This is a great opportunity to just slow down and have a conversation about safety,” she said.
Wanda Stelmach, Chief Medical Officer, said it is important to do the walk-arounds to know what is happening in a ward or area.
“We might think we know what is safe practice and what will work in an area, but until you actually work in an area, you don’t understand the issues faced. This isn’t an audit, it’s about us finding out what is occurring on the floor and how things are working,” she said.
In the video below, hear more from Debra, Briana and Wanda about the importance of these walk-arounds and how they contribute to improved patient care: