First Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards for 2021
On Friday, our first Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards Ceremony for 2021 was held online, with our staff showing incredible support and admiration for their colleagues after submitting almost 100 nominations.
Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive opened the virtual presentation and said through these Awards we recognise staff for their hard work and dedication to our patients, staff and community.
“The award winners today are staff who exemplify a strong and positive workplace culture and commitment to our patients,“ said Mr Sivarajah.
“There were almost 100 entries this time – so again the judging panel has had a difficult task in deciding on the winners,” he added.
And the winners are…
Clinical Excellence: A clinician or clinical team generous with knowledge, who instils confidence in patients and colleagues, and achieves the best patient experience outcomes – COVID-19 Molecular team, Pathology
Patient Experience: Recognising an individual or team who has made a significant achievement in improving the care experience, including showing kindness and compassion towards a patient, family or work colleague – Broadmeadows Hospital Rehabilitation Team
Excellence in Safety: An individual or team who has assisted in making Northern Health safer for patients, visitors or staff – Dr Nancy Sadka, Emergency Physician
Innovation: A team or individual who implemented a better way to deliver care or service through a new idea or initiative – James Pownall, Ward Clerk Manager
Above and Beyond: An individual who has gone above and beyond in providing care or support to a patient, family or work colleague – Natalie Bloomfield, Clinical Support Nurse
Rising Star: A staff member recognised as having great potential to grow and develop in their career at Northern Health – Alisha Turner, Associate Nurse Unit Manager
“Congratulations to all of our award winners, and thank you to Maxxia and BankVic for your sponsorship and ongoing support,” Mr Sivarajah said.
To watch the Awards ceremony, please click here (MS Teams event recording, presentation starts from 5 min onwards).
Sponsored by Maxxia and BankVic, our Quarterly Staff Recognition Awards have been designed to formally recognise outstanding contributions by our employees and celebrate staff excellence. To nominate a staff member, click here. We strongly encourage staff to nominate their colleagues for their achievements at Northern Health, whose actions align with our values of safe, kind and together, across the six categories.