March 2, 2021

Super-user training for new South East Building at Northern Hospital Epping

Over the past week, a number of staff have been undertaking ‘super-user’ training to prepare them for working in the new South East Building.

The purpose of the training was for a number of nominated Northern Health staff to be credentialed as super-users and able to train other staff in all aspects of the new areas.

Director of Operational Readiness, Kathryn Bartho, explained the training super-users have undertaken to ensure they are prepared for working in these new facilities.

“There have been a variety of disciplines participate in the training including NUMs, ANUMs, Clinical Educators, Ward Clerks and PSA supervisors. Staff have been trained in the nurse call system, clinical handset devices, patient lifting machines, area warden training, bariatric equipment, air mattresses, hi lo beds, negative pressure rooms, intercoms, AV functionality in meeting rooms and lighting systems, as well as participated in simulations led by Dr Nancy Sadka,” Kathryn said.

“I can proudly report that the vendors that conducted the training all commented on the success of the training and the positive and friendly attitudes of all involved. The super-users have already begun rolling out the training to the end users within their teams,” Kathryn added.

One of the exciting features in the new wards will be the clinical handsets and Rauland Nurse Call.

Patients will have the ability to call nurses from their rooms, which will make the clinical handsets light up. Nurses can answers the call and provide support and assistance to patients.

Staff members Vicki, Stacey and Nicole being trained to use the clinical handsets

Among the super-users was Nurse Practitioner, Vicki Malamatinas (pictured below) who was able to check out the new procedure room in Ward 19.

New Ward 19 Procedure Room

“It’s an exciting time for Northern Health as we prepare staff for work within these new facilities. Thank you to all of the super-user staff who have been involved in training and simulation over the past week,” Kathryn said.

Stay tuned for further updates and information regarding the new South East Building at Northern Hospital Epping.

PSA and Healthcare Imaging staff training on the bariatric beds

Featured Image: Staff members Sanjeev, Angelica and Magdalen undertaking CPR training/simulation in one of the new rooms in Ward 20.