Name change to reflect Ian Brand residents
Ian Brand Nursing Home has officially been changed to Ian Brand Residential Care.
The name change was presented to and endorsed by the Northern Health Board in early 2021, with the change formally taking place on 1 July.
Kirralee Jensen, Site Operations Director and Director of Nursing at Bundoora Centre, said the name change was influenced by the residents and their families.
“We consult residents and their families on changes within Ian Brand. There was a survey done a couple of years ago and then we did it again late last year about the name change,” Kirralee said.
“Nursing home and aged care seems to have a stigma about it, that it reflects elderly residents. We have a 46-year-old resident here, so he doesn’t fit the elderly criteria.”‘
“To be inclusive of every person that resides at Ian Brand, there were four options for a name and the residents and their families decided on Ian Brand Residential Care, and to remain honouring Dr Ian Brand who it was named after.”
Ian Brand Nursing Home officially opened in November 1991, and was named after Dr Ian Brand AM, who was an Executive Director at the Preston and Northcote Community Hospital (PANCH).
Dr Brand was also Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Bundoora Extended Care Centre (BECC – now known as Bundoora Centre) from 1987 – 1990. Ian Brand Nursing Home was named in recognition of the work he did for the centre.
Ian Brand Residential Care is currently home to 25 residents, with 34 dedicated nursing staff providing full nursing care.
“A lot of our residents are at higher needs, so they’ll need help with hygiene, getting dressed, feeding and drinking and any medical issues that might be required,” said Donna James, Nurse Unit Manager, Ian Brand Residential Care.
Both Donna and Kirralee said the residents and their relatives were the heart of Ian Brand Residential Care, and the name change reflected this.
“This is their home. We have regular monthly meetings with residents and their relatives when family have been able to come in. It’s a great place to actually capture any issues that may be concerning the families and they have some input,” Donna said.
“Our signage has been changed on site and residents and families have been informed. We welcome this name change which ensures inclusivity of all residents,” Kirralee said.
Featured image: Kirralee Jensen (left) and Donna James (right) with Joan.