Accreditation success
Our National Standards Accreditation survey commenced in mid-May and was paused due to a COVID-19 lockdown, affecting interstate surveyors. Last week, the survey resumed with a combination of on-site and online surveyors, and was completed yesterday with a virtual summation.
The survey team announced that Northern Health has been assessed as meeting all the requirements of the National Standards. They found no requirement to write formal recommendations against the actions contained in the National Standards.
Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive, congratulated Northern Health on this achievement.
“Surveyors were impressed with the knowledge of our clinical and non-clinical staff in keeping patients safe, as well as systems for staff safety. They were pleased with the opportunity to engage with staff on the floor, and were delighted to see the amount of enthusiasm amongst our staff,” Siva said.
They were just as impressed by the way staff came forward in telling surveyors what they are doing well and what they are working on to improve. Northern Health was specifically commended on the commitment to Safety and Quality and continuous improvement.
In congratulating staff on this great outcome for Northern Health, Siva made special mention of Maree Glynn and Marisa Argetto, “for their tireless and dedicated work in preparing for the survey.”
“I would also like to acknowledge the work of the Chairs of the Standards Committees, our medical, nursing and allied health leadership, and to Bill Shearer, our Executive Lead for Quality,” Siva added.
Northern Health’s Board Chair, Jennifer Williams, also congratulated and thanked all staff on behalf of the Northern Health Board of Directors, for the work in preparing for the survey, and the ongoing commitment to the safe care of our patients.
Maree Glynn, Director of Clinical Practice Improvement, said it was very affirming to have such positive feedback from a very experienced survey team.
“Our motto has been that Quality and Safety is everybody’s business and that was evident from the very positive feedback from all our surveyors across all of our sites. They were so impressed with the visits to all of our wards and departments, and the positive conversations they had with staff, patients and the clinical leadership at Northern Health.”
“I want to thank all the staff that worked tirelessly to support a successful accreditation outcome and those who generously gave their time to talk so proudly about their service and the care they deliver.”
During the virtual summation, Northern Health was acknowledged for its “best it can be care”, with safety and personalised care for all patients, no matter their background, or how ill or well they were, at the front and centre of our minds.
Northern Health was also applauded for its management during COVID-19 outbreaks and keeping staff, patients and the community safe.
“Although we were challenged by the event of a COVID-19 outbreak in May, none of the surveyors wanted to leave because we felt unsafe. We absolutely felt safe and we have continued to be impressed,” a surveyor said.
Featured image: Laura Hughes, Project Manager/HRO and Naveeni Natkunarajah, NUM during a virtual ward survey