The Big Idea: The chosen seven
The Big Idea Campaign drew to a close on 22 July, with 66 ideas submitted from across the organisation. Ideas were received from a mix of clinical and non-clinical staff, across all Northern Health sites, and ranged in size from small clinical changes to large, organisation-wide initiatives.
“The Innovation Assembly reviewed all submissions and 12 ideas progressed to the refinement stage. Seven applicants progressed to the final stage to present their ideas to Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive,” explained Ariana Carrodus, Project Manager.
At the presentation to the Chief Executive and Dr Bill Shearer, Executive Sponsor of the project, each presenter was given ten minutes for their pitch, including questions.
“All the ideas were scored against different criteria, and these were the stand-outs in terms that they were not only innovative, but also have potential to be scaled up. These ideas have big impact on patients, but also on staff. Project leads for these ideas also share a high level of enthusiasm for their projects,” Ariana added.
Cassie Bramston, Project Officer, explained the innovation team was looking for ideas that are a good mix of clinical and non-clinical, front facing and back of house, as transformation within a health service isn’t always patient facing.
“It is important to highlight that transformation happens in every aspect of the organisation and you don’t need to be a clinician to do transformational work. The next step for the chosen seven ideas is going through an eight-week intensive program, which will help the applicants develop their ideas and fully scope what is required to turn the idea into the reality. They will understand what they need to go ahead and implement their idea. Congratulations to the seven chosen ones and thank you to all staff who submitted their ideas,” she said.
The successful seven ideas are:
- Emiliano Zucchi, TALS Director – Video interpreting on demand – Improving access to interpreters through video interpreting and interpreter access on demand
- Elise Sutton, Resuscitation & Clinical Deterioration Coordinator – Simulating together for safety – developing an inter-professional resuscitation study day at Northern Health
- Dominic LaCaze, Senior Supply Manager – Northern Interactive Clinical Product Database – An interactive multifunctional database with clinical and product ordering information and location
- Paul Anis, Pharmacist – Post discharge pharmacy led telehealth – development of a pharmacist led telehealth program post discharge
- Ryan Hon, Physiotherapist – Improving Men’s Health Services at Northern Health – identification and referral process for men’s sexual health issues
- Jamie Mackay, Anaesthetist – Perioperative Patient Journey Postal/App – an electronic patient portal to improve communication between NH and our community leading up to admission/surgery
- Clara Walker, Clinical Nurse Consultant – Chronic Wound Service – Northern Health Leg Club – a compression bandaging clinic to reduce rate of venous leg ulceration and complications