Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Get to know your lemons
The statistics are sobering – 1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.
So far this year, over 3,000 Australians passed away from breast cancer including 36 males and 3,102 females. That’s nine Australians a day dying from the disease.
What they also make clear, as Cheryl Murray, Breast Care Nurse Consultant (BCN) points out is, “breast cancer doesn’t stop for a pandemic.”
Says Cheryl, “I want to acknowledge it’s been a tough year and taking care of yourself has never been more important.”
October, Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month, provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease in our community.
Breast cancer remains the most common cancer among Australian women (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). Survival rates continue to improve in Australia with 89 out of every 100 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer now surviving five or more years beyond diagnosis.
Take the time this month to find out what you need to know about breast awareness and share this important information with your family, friends and colleagues.
As Cheryl eloquently puts it, “Get to know your lemons!”
Featured image shows Cheryl Murray, Breast Care Nurse Consultant (BCN) .