2020-21 Northern Health Annual Meeting
This afternoon, we hosted the 2020-21 Northern Health Annual Meeting.
The Northern Health Board and Executive were virtually joined by members of the local community, consumers, primary care partners, volunteers and staff, to hear about Northern Health’s highlights and achievements over the past 12 months.
Jennifer Williams AM, Board Chair, opened the meeting, acknowledging yet another challenging year, brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The first half of the year saw us fighting the height of the pandemic, with a number of outbreaks affecting our northern community and health service significantly. I am delighted to say our staff at Northern Health exemplified our values of safe, kind and together, in continuing to provide high quality health services for our community,” Jennifer said.
Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive, reflected on some of the operational achievements from the past year.
“Our Northern Hospital Epping Emergency Department continues to treat more patients than any other emergency department in Victoria, including seeing the third highest number of presentations in Australia,” Siva said.
“In the past 12 months, we have received more than 103,000 emergency presentations, including over 21,000 paediatrics and over 32,000 patient arrivals from Ambulance Victoria.”
“Some highlights from 2020-21 include the Northern Hospital Stage 2 Expansion Project, which was completed in early 2021, with three new wards opening. Shortly after, three new operating theatres, including one hybrid theatre, and an increased theatre recovery area become operational at Northern Hospital Epping,” he said.
Siva also congratulated staff on the tremendous role they have played in the fight against COVID-19.
“I want to thank each and every staff member for your enormous effort and commitment over the past two years. I am proud of what we, as an organisation, have achieved to keep our community safe and healthy.”
Peter McWilliam, Board Director and Finance Committee Chair presented the Financial Report which included an operating surplus of $0.1m. he also introduced the Northern Health Annual Report, which you can find here.
A video, featuring the likes of Hamish Blake and Andy Lee, comedians and TV presenters, Peter Hitchener, 9 News, Ben Brown, Melbourne Football Club, Jill Gallagher, CEO VACCHO (Victorian Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) and the Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria, was presented during the meeting. These well known Victorians praised Northern Health staff for their ongoing work during the pandemic.
“It’s great to see the work of our dedicated frontline workers being recognised amongst the Victorian community. Well done,” said Jennifer.
You can watch the Northern Health Year in Review video below.
Featured Image (clockwise from left): Jennifer Williams AM, Board Chair; Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive; Peter McWilliam, Board Director and Finance Committee ChairĀ