Beat the heat this week
Temperatures are soaring this week across Victoria.
While summer is a great time to be outside, during these extra hot days, it’s important to know how to stay safe and well.
Extreme heat can affect anybody, but those most at risk are young children, older people, and people with a medical condition.
Heat can cause illnesses such as heat cramps and heat exhaustion which can lead to the life-threatening condition, heatstroke.
Parents and carers should watch babies and young children carefully during hot weather. They need to drink regularly, wear light clothing and be kept cool.
Dr David Tran, Clinical Director of Paediatrics, explained the importance of keeping your children safe during periods of extreme heat.
“With the extremely hot days, children are more likely to overheat and become dehydrated. It is important to keep your child cool and hydrated in these conditions,” Dr Tran explained.
“Stay in air-conditioned or cool shaded areas if possible and offer plenty of fluids, including more frequent breast/bottle feeds for babies, and water for older children.”
“And never leave your children unattended in cars,” Dr Tran added.
The temperature inside a parked car can double within minutes.
Parents should also be mindful of children having too much exposure to the sun by following the simple SunSmart tips.
“When outside, remember to slip, slop, slap and wear a hat,” Dr Tran said.
During these hotter periods, it’s important to be able recognise heat-related stress and seek medical attention if needed.
Some heat-related illness and common symptoms include heat rash, cramps, dizziness and fainting, heat exhaustion and heatstroke.
Heat can also worsen the condition of someone who already has a medical issue so sick children and older people need special attention during hot weather.
If you or someone you know is unwell, seek medical attention urgently.
For more information on how to beat the heat, click here.