Drive into the new multi-deck staff carpark
Staff will soon be able to drive into the new multi-deck staff carpark at Northern Hospital Epping, which opens from 7 am Monday, 31 January.
The new carpark features 1,137 car spaces, with access via the Costco road, behind the hospital.
Early works commenced in December 2020, with construction beginning in January 2021, and the carpark was completed in December 2021.
Greg Warman, Director Support Services, said the multi-deck carpark will be open 24 hours, seven days a week.
“The carpark is monitored by Security via the CCTV cameras located on each floor. There are car space counters at the entrance and on each floor to assist with finding a space. There are 12 disabled spaces located on the ground floor and there are 12 free to use Electric Vehicle (EV) charge stations available on the top floor of the carpark. The stations are a 7kW single phase system which provide 35-40km of range per hour.”
“At the moment, and excluding the temporary carparks at Epping Plaza and the Cooper Street carpark, we have 450 spaces for staff. When the multi-deck carpark opens, we will more than triple that to 1,587 spaces, all located on the hospital grounds.”
Carpark attendants will be located at the carpark’s entrance on Monday, 31 January, to assist staff.
Staff who currently pay for parking do not need to do anything further – your Northern Health ID badge has already been activated for the carpark. Staff who ‘Pay As You Go’ need to ensure there is sufficient funds available on the card.
Staff who do not pay for parking and wish to access staff carparks, including the multi-deck carpark, will need to complete the Carpark Access form and return to Please allow five days for the card to be activated – car parking rates remain unchanged.
If staff have any issue with access, please email For more information, click here.