Celebrating new mums on Mother’s Day
Yesterday, we celebrated Mother’s Day, a day to give thanks for our mothers, or anyone in our lives who fulfills that role.
At Northern Health, we had many new mothers who spent their special day in hospital with their newborns. These mums were treated to a very special surprise. Thirty beautiful hampers, hand-packed and decorated by the staff at Pacific Epping, were delivered to Northern Health Foundation with special instructions that they are to be passed on to all new mums in the Maternity Ward as a congratulatory gift.
Our newest mums were overwhelmed by the heartwarming sentiment from Pacific Epping, with one new mum in particular, Jacqueline, delighted by the gesture. Jacqueline gave birth to her daughter, Kiara, just three days shy of Mother’s Day and received her hamper late Friday afternoon, saying, “I honestly had no idea they were doing this, but it’s really uplifting to know how much people care. It’s made my first Mother’s Day quite a memorable one.”
Quite symbolically, Mother’s Day falls in between International Day of the Midwife, which was celebrated last Thursday, and International Day of the Nurse, which will be celebrated later this week. As a new mum, the bond shared with their midwives and nurses is a very special one.
“We are so often reminded of the values we encompass as a health service – safe, kind and together. This kind donation from Pacific Epping, our community neighbours, demonstrates the kindness that exists outside our doors,” said Pina Di Donato, Acting Executive Director Public Affairs and Foundation.
Within that circle of support comes a strong sense of care from our very own here at Northern Health, who acknowledge that not everyone could spend time with their family yesterday. Many of our staff were working taking care of patients. We thank them for their hard work. Our thoughts also go out to those who have lost their mother, those who have lost a child, and those who are far away from their mothers at this time.
At Northern Health Foundation, we are extremely grateful for the valuable partnerships we have across our community. Many thanks to Pacific Epping, and our staff for your ongoing support. This heartwarming sentiment has brought a smile to the faces of our staff in Maternity, and of course, to all our new mums.