It’s the day for Crazy Socks!
Today is Crazy Socks 4 Docs Day, dedicated to breaking down the stigma around mental health in doctors. On this day, held every year on the first Friday of June, doctors and their colleagues wear their craziest socks to encourage conversations around mental health.
Dr Dean Pritchard, Emergency Physician and Senior Medical Staff Association (SMSA) Chair, explains mental health awareness days have grown in profile and importance through the pandemic.
“Crazy Socks for Docs Day is one such day. The sheer escalation in demand for healthcare has challenged medical staff like never before. Our doctors have soldiered on and shouldered equal parts of responsibility and we are so proud of them,” he said.
“Today is the day for deliberate reflection. A time for doctors to check in on themselves and each other. A day to restore balance with time for rest and relaxation, and to check in on colleagues and make sure they’re doing the same. To emerge from this pandemic and rebuild, we need all the rest and support we can get.”
The Senior Medical Staff Association would like to extend their sincere appreciation to Soxy Beast, who have kindly donated 500 pairs of socks to our cause this year. This local Australian company has a long tradition of supporting local causes and has been providing a stunning range of quality “crazy” socks to our medical staff since 2020.
Giuliano Pietrolungo, Soxy Beast Director, said over the last few years, Soxy Beast and Northern Health Foundation have formed a strong relationship due to a shared passion for helping others.
“Under normal circumstances, we have always valued medical staff for the work that they do and appreciate the toll it can take on them. Under today’s circumstances, it seems even more fitting to be involved in raising awareness of the mental health of our medical practitioners,” he said.
“We have donated approximately 15,000 pairs to various charity organisations during the pandemic. This has been achieved predominately via our Buy a Pair, Give a Pair program and also various one-off donations such as the one for Crazy Socks 4 Docs Day.”
“We’ve seen a gradual shift in the stigma surrounding mental health over recent years and that is in no small part, thanks to the various awareness campaigns and high profile people speaking out about it. The more awareness that can be generated, the greater the results can be in recognising and aiding people suffering from poor mental health.”
“Northern Health SMSA are strong supporters of the Crazy Socks initiative, and we would like to send a clear message to all medical staff that we are here to support you and that we encourage you to speak up if you are experiencing difficulty,” said Dr Louise Monk, SMSA Executive and Geriatrician.
This Crazy Socks for Docs Day, remember to look after yourselves and each other. Find the courage to seek help if you need it, and find time to genuinely ask your colleagues – “are you ok?”