Northern Health Gender Equality Action Plan
Everyone, regardless of gender or intersectional characteristics, has the right to be recognised, celebrated and supported.
In December 2021, Northern Health completed a workplace gender audit, and submitted audit findings to the Commission for Gender Equality. Subsequently, Northern Health’s Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 (the Action Plan) was developed. The plan outlines our approach to strengthening gender equality across the organisation and recognising intersectionality between gender and other key priority areas.
Once the Action Plan has been delivered, Northern Health will achieve its vision for a whole of organisation integrated and sustainable approach that sees gender equality principles and intersectional factors embedded in the culture and across all business practices. The Action Plan enables Northern Health to meet its obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 (the Act).
In addition to the Action Plan, the Act requires Northern Health to complete regular workplace gender audits and continue to undertake further Gender Impact Assessments.
“Through the workplace audit, we were able to identify a number of key areas for improvement, which have been incorporated into the Action Plan,” said Janelle Williams, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor.
‘The Action Plan has been designed to identify where Northern Health currently is and map out the necessary systems, processes and policies to be put in place, which will create a strong foundation for the future,” said Michelle Fenwick, Executive Director People and Culture.
A broader Gender Equality Sub-Committee will be established to oversee this work and will work alongside the other Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Sub-Committees.
“Working with all the sub-committees recognises the significant intersectionality across all priority areas and will respond to the needs of each group,” Janelle said.
“By creating an equitable environment, where individual characteristics and experiences are embraced, staff will be able to be their true self and given the supports they require to succeed.”
We encourage all staff to read the Gender Equality Action Plan 2021-2025 and Workplace Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2020-2024.
Featured image: Janelle Williams, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Advisor.