New on Medtasker: Urgent Medical Response to Code Grey
Medtasker will soon launch an important new feature – ‘Urgent Medical Response to Code Grey’.
From 1 August 2022, the new task option will be available to staff at Northern Hospital Epping, with Broadmeadows Hospital to follow suit later this year.
Following a review of recent Occupation Violence and Aggression (OVA) incidents at Northern Hospital Epping, gaps were identified in medical response to Code Grey incidents, leading to delays in medical team attendance.
Medical teams are notified of Code Grey incidents via pagers, however, there was no way to identify which team the patient is managed by. This could then lead to delayed medical response, as nursing staff have to contact medical teams via other means to request assistance.
The review findings were presented to the Standard 5 – OVA Sub Group Clinical Improvement Committee where, following discussion, a paper was presented to the Standard 8 – Clinical Deterioration, where it was suggested to investigate if the Code Grey response could be embedded into Medtasker.
“Not all Code Grey incidents require medical team involvement. This new process allows for nursing staff to identify situations and communicate to medical staff when their urgent attendance is required,” said Eve Kodermann, OVA Coordinator.
“It also ensures that medical staff know when they get an ‘Urgent Medical Response to Code Grey Required’ task via Medtasker, the requirement for their prompt attendance has been verified by nursing staff.”
A working group was established with involvement from ICT, OVA, Medical, Security, Switch and Emergency Management to investigate the use of Medtasker to alert medical teams of Code Grey incidents where medical input was required.
As a result, the working group set up the new task in Medtasker – ‘Urgent Medical Response to Code Grey’, which is the equivalent to PreMET process. By introducing Medical Response to Code Grey on Medtasker, it will allow nursing staff to notify home teams that their attendance is required urgently to assist with the patient’s management in escalation of behaviours of concern.
Medtasker provides nursing staff the ability to communicate with the doctor to implement timely intervention. Nursing staff will be able to escalate if no response, as per the current PreMET process.
“Reduction in delay of medical attendance when required will result in a safer outcome for staff, patients and visitors sooner than what can occur currently,” said Eve.
For Code Greys, staff must continue to call 2222 as the first step. If medical intervention is required, nursing staff can then use Medtasker to alert the patient’s medical team.
Featured image (left to right): Nikita Fernando, Nurse with Eve Kodermann, OVA Coordinator; Jason Amos, Manager – Emergency Management and Dr Edwina Holbeach, Geriatrician and Co-Network Director, Central North West BPT Consortium