August 19, 2022

Get to know: Kathryn Bartho

In today’s ‘Get to know’ profile, we catch up with Kathryn Bartho, Operations Director – Outpatient Services, and Acting Site Director & Director of Nursing, Bundoora Centre.

Kath, let’s start with your coffee order?

I don’t drink coffee, but will occasionally have a tea or hot chocolate.

Tell us about your Northern Health journey?

I started in 2006 and have held continuous employment in various forms and roles at Northern Health.  Beginning my time as a ward clerk on UNIT E, I also worked as Clerk in the Emergency Department, and weekend Ward Clerk while completing my Bachelor of Nursing degree.

I completed my grad year at Northern Health, and continued to work for nurse pool for a number of years across the service. With my mixed experience, I had also been working at another health service as the Revenue Manager, and then returned to Northern Health in 2017 in a full time capacity to work on projects with Finance and Endoscopy, and eventually for the Revenue Services Director and Financial Projects.

I worked on a number of projects around Northern Health with my amazing colleagues including (but not limited to) CARPS, Payroll, QFlow, ECLIPSE, IODM, MBS Policy and Funding Guidelines, h-trak, Operational Readiness and COVID response.

Last year I was successfully recruited into my current role of Operations Director – Outpatient Services.

What do you like most about your role?

I really like the people I work with. I enjoy feeling like I am contributing and helping people (both patients and colleagues).  Personally at work, I enjoy process improvement and getting a sense of achievement.

What do you find challenging?

Switching off after work and maintaining work life balance. (Ha ha ha!)

What does a typical day look like for you?

There is no such thing, every day is different.  I always try to start my day by engaging with my team. Some days are hectic, others have space to explore opportunities for improvement.

What’s your favourite inspirational quote or figure?

“Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I’m Possible” by Audrey Hepburn.

If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

Aren’t we all already superheros?  I think we should all aim to make the world a better place, not all superheros wear capes.

Which Northern Health value do you relate to best?

Kind – I think kindness is very important, building relationships with your colleagues through kindness then brings the other two values, working together for safety.  Even with masks on, a smile and a genuine hello makes a difference to someone’s day.