September 29, 2022

New nursing scholarships and opportunities available!

Northern Health is offering exciting opportunities for all enrolled and registered nurses to extend their careers.

The Department of Health, in conjunction with Northern Health, have a number of scholarships and opportunities available for nurses to be supported in their career pathway in 2023 and 2024.

“Investment in the nursing and midwifery workforce is essential to ensure safe and timely patient care. It is great to see the initiatives within ‘Making it free to study –  Nursing and midwifery‘ are not only for undergraduates, but also for those already employed to upskill and retain staff in specialty areas, improve professional development opportunities and support career progression,” said Lisa Cox, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer.

“I would recommend any nurse or midwife to strongly consider these scholarship supported programs for their own professional development, as well as upskilling nursing and midwifery at Northern Health,” Lisa added.

No matter what stage of your nursing or midwifery career you are at, there is an option for everyone.

The scholarships and support options cover the below categories:

For the Undergraduate Nurse transitioning to becoming a Registered Nurse:
Undergraduate Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery Scholarships

For the Enrolled Nurse transition to becoming a Registered Nurse:
Scholarships to support Enrolled Nurse (EN) to Registered Nurse (RN) transition

For the nurse wanting to renter the workforce:
Scholarships and support for nurses to re-enter the workforce – Refresher Pathway

For the Graduate Registered Nurse:
Increased Graduate Nurse support and more numbers for 2023 and 2024

For the Postgraduate Nurse:
Additional postgraduate nursing positions in specialty areas and scholarships for postgraduate nurses and midwives in specialty areas

For the potential Nurse Practitioner:
Increased scholarship support for new Nurse Practitioners

If you interested in the above opportunities or to get more information, email

You can also speak with the clinical support nurses or educators in your area, your site Director of Nursing or speak with the Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer.

Featured image (left to right): Current nurses and students at Northern Health – Tina, Registered Nurse; Clarissa, Registered Nurse (GNMP); Sebastian, Endorsed Enrolled Nurse and Trinity, Nursing Student from La Trobe University