September 8, 2022

R U OK? Day

Northern Health is committed to supporting the psychological health of all our staff, and we continue to be inspired each day by how adaptable we have become as a health service.

We appreciate and acknowledge the efforts made continually by our staff, and note that it does not go unseen, and that our own self-care is even more important when times are busy.

This week, we are reminded of the importance of connection and conversation. R U OK? Day is a chance for us all to pause, reflect and evaluate how we can better support ourselves, and each other.

By increasing our self-awareness of how we are feeling, we are better placed to recognise the signs of struggle in someone close to us. We want to encourage a friendly smile, a chat over coffee, a wave in the hallway and, most importantly, we want to normalise that it is okay to have our off days, and to share when our plates feel a little too full.

In recognition of R U OK? Day, we have the following initiatives planned:

  1. Cathartic Consulting Webinar – 2.30 pm

We have the expert team from Cathartic Consulting hosting an all-staff R U OK Day Webinar today at 2.30 pm. This session will include discussions on the importance of having R U OK? conversations, how to confidently hold space for yourself and each other, and what steps to action when someone says they are not doing OK.

  1. R U OK? Day is all about YOU

We face a variety of challenges in the health care sector, and recognise there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to improved wellbeing. Therefore, in addition to our organisational-wide wellbeing improvements recently shared at The Window, we are pleased to launch our latest wellbeing initiative – ‘R U OK? Day is all about YOU’.

This gives each team at Northern Health an opportunity to select a wellbeing support/improvement to suit their needs. By selecting an item from a pre-populated list, we will supply your team with a product of their choosing. Details on how to apply and the selection criteria can be located here: Wellbeing Initiative – R U OK? Day.

  1. ‘Treat & Talk’

In follow-up to the ‘Thank-you and R U OK?’ conversations you had yesterday, today is about ‘Treat & Talk’. Your team should have received a delivery of giant chocolate freckles and we encourage you to enjoy this ‘treat’ while ‘talking’ to a friend or colleague about how they are feeling. Each supportive conversation can make a difference, and through this you all strengthen our culture of care here at Northern. If you do not receive a delivery, please escalate through your divisional leads.

Finally, in keeping with R U OK? Day, be reassured that ‘It is OK not to be OK’. We as an organsiation care deeply about your wellbeing, and strive to support all employees. A number of resources have been sent through this week and all support options can be found here.

On behalf of the Northern Health Executive team, I thank you for the work you do, and for looking out for each other today, and every day.

Siva Sivarajah
Chief Executive