Lending a hand with Mental Health
As construction of the new Mental Health building continues at Northern Hospital Epping, there are also some other exciting works in progress.
This year, Northern Health Foundation partnered with Lendlease, a globally integrated real estate group, focusing on development and construction, to deliver a fundraising initiative which will continue to support mental health in our community long after the building works are completed.
Chris Liparota, Construction Manager, Lendlease, has been involved in helping Northern Health Foundation raise funds throughout the course of the new Mental Health build. Thanks to this incredible initiative, Lendlease has raised over $56,000 in donations, which will contribute towards a Mental Health program once the build is complete.
“The Lendlease construction team and our wonderful supply chain at the Pathway to 144 Mental Health Beds Project are excited to partner with Northern Health Foundation to fundraise for some incredible initiatives at the hospital and new Mental Health Unit,” says Chris.
“With a large percentage of our workforce being local, there has, and continues to be, a reliance on the Northern Hospital to support our community. We are grateful that Lendlease Construction can contribute toward the important work the team at Northern Health are doing.”
As our community continues to grow, there is an ongoing need to expand services offered by Northern Health. The Victorian Government’s Mental Health Beds Expansion Program forms a part of this, with 30 new mental health beds soon to be available at Northern Hospital Epping.
Belinda Scott, Executive Director Mental Health, said, “I am thrilled at the opportunity to lead an amazing team to improve outcomes for consumer, carers and families. The fundraising by Lendlease will make a significant difference to improving amenities in our existing units in addition to the 30 new beds.”
Once complete, the new mental health facility will improve outcomes for patients in the northern catchment area. It will provide more than 10,900 days of care, enabling 655 more local to access vital mental health services every year.
The Foundation is proud to be a part of the development of our northern community. With partners like Lendlease, we can continue to fund vital services for our residents, so they can access appropriate care on their doorstep.
We congratulate Lendlease on their successful fundraising campaign. We are sincerely grateful for their continued support.