February 10, 2023

Get to know: Brigid Algie


Meet Brigid Algie, Nurse Unit Manager (Acting) Victorian Virtual Emergency Department (VVED).

Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?

A: I enjoy that I get to be part of a new, innovative mode of delivering healthcare. Due to VVED being a new service, there are constant changes and challenges occurring. I really love the fact that both myself and my colleagues all have an input into the decision making around how we deliver the service.

Q: What do you find most challenging about being part of a new service?

A: Due to my previous answer it may sound like I am contradicting myself, but as well as change being enjoyable it can also be challenging. We are constantly taking on feedback from patients, other healthcare services and staff about ways we can improve the quality and accessibility care. Constant change can be slightly difficult when we are having to continuously educate and keep all of our staff up to date. The wonderful staff at VVED do, however, continue to rise to the challenge!

Q: Tell us about a career highlight for you while you’ve been with Northern Health.

A: My career highlight whilst being at Northern Health would probably be from a few weeks ago when Dan Andrews came to visit VVED. It was awesome getting to show off our department and watch him deliver a press conference right on our front doorstep.

Q: If you weren’t in your current role, what would you be doing?

A: I’d love to be working overseas in a ski resort as a ski patroller (on a snowboard of course). The idea of combining my passion for snowboarding along with my emergency nursing skills seems pretty cool and I have always dreamed about working in a job that would allow me snowboard every day.

Q: What do you do to relax after a day of work?

A: If the weather is nice I will generally go for a walk, or maybe a bike ride if I’m feeling extra energetic. If the weather is miserable I’m more likely to be found on the couch watching a doco about someone climbing Mount Everest or something true crime.