EMR training registration opens next week
Northern Health Electronic Medical Record (EMR) training registration opens on Monday, 17 April.
The EMR team started working with various stakeholders within the organisation to design and build the system in 2021. Fast forward to April 2023, the EMR is now ready for the final stage of testing, before training takes the spotlight in June.
The EMR training schedule was published on the EMR website and via an All Manager email. In a 10-week window, the EMR training team will train more than 5,000 staff before our go live in September. Thanks to the engagement of more than 20 stakeholder groups, the team was able to construct a schedule that is best suited for the organisation to reduce the impact on the operations.
To help you prepare for EMR training, we have familiarisation videos for you to get early visibility of the system. The team will also be running Solution Galleries in May at Northern Hospital Epping, Broadmeadows Hospital, and Bundoora Centre to demonstrate workflows that are relevant to your area of work.
Similar to other EMR implementations, under the guiding principle of ‘no training no access’, all staff who will be interacting with the EMR, whether it be ‘full access’ or ‘read-only access’, will need to undergo some form of training before using the system. This is to ensure our patients are safe when we transition from documenting on paper to documenting electronically.
On average, the team will deliver 58 EMR classroom training per week, Mondays to Fridays, training around 600 staff per week. Most nursing staff will complete a full day of classroom training, whereas doctors and other disciplines will complete a four-hour or less training. Training facilities are available across Epping, Bundoora, and Broadmeadows.
Starting on Monday, 17 April, area managers and their delegates will be able to register their staff for classroom training using myLearning. Most classes, except for some medical slots, will be first come first serve basis. Managers will be able to allocate staff to certain classes based on your roster.
The EMR training registration guideline will be distributed to all managers to outline the registration process. The EMR team is also running EMR Training Registration Roadshow on 18 April at 10.30 am at NCHER Level 3 Training Space for all managers, and on 26 April at 2 pm at Epping Main Lecture Theatre specifically for NUMs where you will be able to ask the team any questions.
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the myLearning team for their wonderful support in building the EMR courses into the system.
Featured image: Cliff Wiltshire, EMR Training Manager