Kilmore District Health and Northern Health – Strengthening the partnership
Northern Health and Kilmore District Health have worked together for many decades to deliver healthcare and wellbeing services across the communities of Kilmore and the Northern Growth Corridor. We share a number of staff, volunteers and services, and are continually seeking ways to share resources and improve services.
Over the last few months, we have started to explore ways of enhancing this partnership and improve access to specialist services in this region. This has been motivated by the changing needs of our patients and residents and community demographics, including an ageing population and significant population growth in the Northern corridor.
As part of looking for further opportunities to build on our long and close history of cooperation and to strengthen the partnership, the Boards of Northern Health and Kilmore District Health have agreed to explore a voluntary amalgamation to better connect our services. The Boards have agreed to look at whether a voluntary amalgamation would be in the best interests of our workforce and the communities of Kilmore and the Northern Growth Corridor.
Given our shared services and growing interdependence, a voluntary amalgamation may better serve our communities and provide more opportunities for professional development and the sharing of knowledge and resources.
The process will follow a legislative framework that is explicit about any amalgamation of health services in Victoria being voluntary, agreed by participating Boards and can demonstrate community benefit.
The process will be transparent and as timely as possible. There will be opportunities to hear from all of you about what an amalgamation could look like. To assist with this, a dedicated website has been created to help keep everyone updated on progress: www.betterconnectedcare.com.au.
As part of the exploration process, a report will be presented to the Boards of both health services. The report will include consideration of all services at Northern Health and Kilmore District Health.
In the meantime, it is business as usual. It is important that services to our communities continue during the exploration process.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Manager in the first instance. Support for staff and regular communication will be maintained throughout the process.
We are extremely proud of our health services and the work we do together. We are grateful to work alongside each of you every day and commend you all for collaborating closely to improve services and provide care to our communities.