Get to know: Courtney Lowry
As we celebrate International Nurses Day today, we meet Courtney Lowry, Director of Operations, Women’s and Children’s.
Q: Today is International Nurses Day. What significance does this day have for you?
A: For me, International Nurses Day is a time to take a moment to recognise the passion, dedication and contribution of, not only my own nursing colleagues, but nurses right around the world. The last few years have really shone a spotlight on nurses, and I think it’s a time to reflect on the significant work we do and the impact we have on our patients and families lives while caring for them.
Q: What do you enjoy most about your job?
A: One of the things I enjoy most about my job is how rewarding it is. Within the Women’s and Children’s Division, we care for patients and families at some of the most vulnerable times in their lives. Watching kids leave and wave goodbye from the Paediatric Ward after they have been nursed back to health, or watching families leave for home with their newborn baby, which is an extremely precious time for them, is heart-warming. I am very fortunate to be a part of these experiences.
Q: We understand you started at Northern Health as a student nurse. Tell us about your journey and some of your career highlights.
A: My nursing career has spanned 22 years, of which I am proud to say, has all been at Northern Health. I completed my graduate year in 2001, with a specialty rotation in the Paediatric Ward. When my grad year finished, I was offered a position to continue on the Paediatric Ward and I have never looked back. I progressed over the years with the skills and knowledge that I built as a Registered Nurse, a Clinical Nurse Specialist for a number of years, and then an Associate Nurse Unit Manager (ANUM). During my time as an ANUM, the role required me to network and work alongside other leaders within Northern Health, on a shift-by-shift basis. This opened up many opportunities and I found myself then job-sharing with Paediatrics and the Access Team as a Hospital Coordinator. This gave me a great opportunity within Northern Health to expand my skills outside of Paediatrics, and it was a challenge that I thoroughly enjoyed.
In 2019, I took on the role of Nurse Unit Manager of Ward 2 – Children’s Ward. This role would have to be one of my highlights, and was so rewarding. I learnt so much in the three years that I fulfilled the role, and I am so grateful that I had the opportunity. I learnt a lot about leadership and management, and I was privileged to have been able to lead the exceptional and special team of paediatric nurses on Ward 2.
After much thought, consideration and support from my leaders, I made the decision to step away from direct patient care last year and into the role I am currently in, which is Operations Director- Women’s and Children’s Division. I am absolutely loving my new role with all the new challenges it brings, and I am proud to be a part of the wonderful work that the Women’s and Children’s team achieves every day.
Q: What makes you laugh the most?
A: My family and friends make me laugh the most. These last few years have been extremely tough and challenging for everyone, so being able to come together with my family and friends and have a good laugh is a great outlet and time out.
Q: What songs have you completely memorised?
A: I have the radio on all the time in the car and at home. I do love all of the 80’s classics, but if I had to pick a favourite, I would have to say Bon Jovi. I have most Bon Jovi songs memorised!