Get to know: Karen Ayres
Meet Karen Ayres, Support Services Supervisor at Bundoora Centre. Karen began her journey at Northern Health in 2016 as a Patient Services Assistant (PSA), a year later accepting the role of ‘In Charge’. Now, as a supervisor, she looks after the 15 to 20 PSA’s working at Bundoora.
The Support Services student placement program, which offers a number of institutions the opportunity for their students to gain real world experience at the end of their course, recently extended beyond the walls of Northern Hospital Epping. Karen has been instrumental in providing a welcoming environment for the first student to attend Bundoora Centre. A brilliant opportunity to live out our ‘Safe Kind Together’ values.
Q: What was your first car?
A: My first car was a sky blue EH Holden which I picked up for a bargain price of $495.
Q: Who do you most admire in your life?
A: My mum. I admire her for her unconditional love and kindness, and her great sense of humour.
Q: What are some things you have enjoyed about your job recently?
A: I have enjoyed working alongside my colleagues, getting to know them a bit more and having a laugh. I also enjoy having a student for the first time and teaching them the role of a PSA.
Q: What is something you are looking forward to in the future?
A: Seeing how well the student goes in the role. I am also really looking forward to having an overseas holiday to Bali.
Q: Early bird or Night owl?
A: Definitely an early bird, especially when on holiday. l love to see a good sunrise!