August 25, 2023

Get to know: Monique Hatfield


Meet Monique Hatfield, Manager Health Information Services and Ward Clerks, Bundoora Centre.

Q. Firstly, what’s your coffee order?

A. Skinny cappuccino, but I drink more tea than coffee!

Q. What do you like most about your role?

A. Working with all the amazing staff in Health Information Services, across all sites, and knowing I can never predict what the day will bring.

Q. What do you find challenging?

A. Dealing with my three teenagers! And also, making time to do things I enjoy like walking my dog (a boxer named Atlas), reading, listening to podcasts and meditating.

Q. What do you see yourself doing in the future?

A. I am open to whatever the future brings (but hopefully that includes travel and seeing lots of stand-up-comedy).

Q. If you were a superhero, who would you be and why?

A. Superheroes are over-rated. Everyday heroes are the ones that deserve our admiration and applause (but if I had to choose one it would be Superman because he can fly).