Northern Health welcomes our first EMR baby!
Today, Wards 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13 MAC, MITH, NITH, Oncology Medical Day Unit, NOAH, MOAH, Maternity Specialty Clinics in Epping, Broadmeadows, and Craigieburn are going live with the EMR.
We also welcomed our first EMR baby, Noah Kochatt, at 11.45 pm last night. Mother, Reshma Kochatt, is a Mental Health Social Worker at Broadmeadows Hospital.
“I think EMR will be a better system for Northern Health’s mums and bubs moving forward, as our record will be in one place,” said Reshma.
Molly Mathew, Nurse Unit Manager of Ward 12, is thrilled to welcome the EMR.
“It has been a busy day for the ward, however, we are well supported and the transition to the EMR has been running smoothly,” said Ms Matthew.
“This is a very exciting time and I believe having the EMR in place will reduce stress for our fellow midwives as they can spend more at the bedside caring for our bubs.”
Congratulations to Reshma!