Step on Sepsis at Northern Health
This Wednesday, 13 September, is World Sepsis Day – an annual event to raise awareness and reduce the worldwide burden of sepsis.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that arises when the body’s response to an infection damages its own organs and tissues. This process, if left untreated or incorrectly treated, can lead to septic shock or death.
Many of those who do survive sepsis can face lifelong consequences which can impact their day-to-day functioning. According to the Global Sepsis Alliance, sepsis accounts for at least 11 million deaths worldwide each year. Yet, depending on the country and education, sepsis is known only to seven to 50 per cent of people.
To combat sepsis, Northern Health has an established Step on Sepsis team to promote the early recognition and appropriate treatment of patients at risk of developing or experiencing sepsis.
Since launching 10 years ago, the team has developed resources to assist staff in the management of these patients.
“These include the adult sepsis management guidelines, as well as the antimicrobial prescribing guide, which are both available on PROMPT,” said Yasmin Sungkar, Step on Sepsis Project Coordinator.
“The Step on Sepsis team conducts quarterly audits on the management of septic patients at Northern Health, and this data is reported back to the NSQHS Standard 3 committee.”
“Award winning research abstracts have also been presented at interstate and local conferences, as well as at Northern Health Research Week to showcase the success of the Step on Sepsis project over these years.”
During the month of September, the Step on Sepsis team is running a number of campaigns to promote sepsis awareness to staff and our community. Keep an eye out for display boards in the foyer of the Northern Hospital Epping and Broadmeadows Hospital.
You can also participate in an online sepsis quiz, where you have the chance of winning a coffee voucher.
To find out more about Step on Sepsis, please visit the Intranet. Further information and resources about the World Sepsis Day can be found here.
Featured image: Yasmin Sungkar, Step on Sepsis Project Coordinator and Danni Miatke, Infectious Disease and Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist.