Envisioning 2024
As we begin a new year, we asked our senior executives to reflect on the year that was, tell us what made them most proud and what their vision is for 2024.
“2023 was a busy year!” says Wanda Stelmach, Chief Medical Officer. “I am really proud of all of my teams as they stepped up to the challenges of Electronic Medical Records (EMR) and of the amalgamation of Kilmore District Health and Northern Health while at the same time ensuring our patients remained safe and staff felt supported. Even as Pharmacy, Pathology and Radiology services expanded exponentially, the teams did not miss a beat. Library too has starred as it supported 11,389 physical library visits and over 3 million eResource sessions!”
Associate Professor, Jason Cirone, Chief Allied Health Officer, says, “2023 was a year of significant change.” What he was most proud of, is how staff were able to progress through this change and “not lose focus on patient safety and excellence in care.”
Finance Director, Basil Ireland, says he was “most proud of the resilience and teamwork shown by the finance directorate in the face of a lot of service growth and change.”
Belinda Scott, Executive Director, Mental Health, spoke with pride of how in the first 12 months of operation, “we were able to increase the number of consumers treated, the time spent with consumers in the community and improve the quality of life for consumers in areas that were meaningful to them.” Overall, she was proud of the Mental Health team, “for their commitment to consumer care in 2023.”
Associate Professor Anthony Gust, Executive Director, Digital Health, was most proud in 2023 of the ‘Northern Health way’. He describes this as, “being innovative, embracing change and looking to the future”. Says Anthony, “This was underpinned by the Year of Together where we continued to look after patients and each other.”
Debra Bourne, Chief Operating Officer, spoke of, “The ongoing commitment and enthusiasm from all staff which continues to be so palpable and evident in times of change.”
Yet it is the patient stories that left the biggest impression on Debra. She spoke of a gentleman she met at our recent memorial service, who told her, that there were very few options left for treatment for his cancer. Yet when he died, he said, he would do so knowing that the doctors and nurse had fought so hard for him and he was so grateful for being able to be part of our new cancer trials.
Pina Di Donato, Executive Director, Public Affairs and Northern Health Foundation, said how proud she was of the hard work of her teams. She said, “however if I have to single out a few things, they would have to be our new podcast (Visiting Hours), the Foundation’s first gala ball which was held last May, and each and every one of our volunteers who turn up every day with huge smiles and a willingness to help wherever they can.”
So what of the future?
Wanda is looking forward to an exciting 2024. “Education, Learning Management System (LMS), Library and Research are planning innovative ways to support our Engaged Learners and Inspired Researchers. Pharmacy, Northern Imaging Victoria and Northern Pathology Victoria are focusing on safe delivery of services while supporting multi-disciplinary teamwork to provide effective, well-coordinated healthcare. Medical Workforce is supporting an increasingly diverse cohort of junior and senior doctors.”
“For all of us the significant changes that Northern Health’s growth has created, promise a future that is full of opportunities! Roll on 2024! “says Wanda.
Jason says, “A key aim for 2024 is to facilitate working together in truly multidisciplinary ways, to ensure patients receive effective, well-coordinated healthcare.”
Basil is keen, “The finance directorate team, continue on their path as trusted advisors to the business and resources for the business.”
Says Belinda, “My vision for 2024 is to deliver services to our consumers and to invest in our staff. She is particularly excited about “the development of the Northern Health Professional Development Unit so that staff have a fulfilling career.”
Anthony foresees, Northern Health continuing to work to change healthcare in three areas, “Models of care, funding and the digital landscape. This will be underpinned by the Year of being Kind to each other and our patients.”
Says Debra, “Aside from not ever replicating the last four days of eating and drinking (well maybe not until next Christmas) I will continue to support and grow with the whole team here at Northern Health.”
“To find ways to bring joy to the workplace and support our unique ability to innovate and place the patient/consumer at the centre of all that we do.”
Pina says, “We will promote the excellent work of the health service and grow our fundraising income through corporate partnerships so we can continue reinvesting in projects around our campuses.” In addition, “we will be upgrading the Northern Health website and intranet. And of course, there will be another gala ball to plan!”
Roll on 2024!