Welcome back volunteers
It is wonderful to see the smiling faces of our enthusiastic volunteers at Northern Health again after their Christmas and New Year break.
They returned to duty last week and are all eager to get back to doing what they love to do – gifting their time to make a difference.
“Volunteers are an important part of Northern Health and partner with our staff to extend our capacity,” said Henni Wade, Manager Volunteer Services.
It’s been a busy start to 2024 for our volunteers. Admin volunteers have been putting green books together for Maternity, assembling packs for the Day Procedure Unit, placing stickers on brochures for the Hearing Clinic and assisting the Diabetes Education team with admin tasks.
Volunteers have also been busy sorting lost property and replenishing stock in the Emergency Department, putting together exercise band packs for the Physiotherapy team and counting money for Northern Health Foundation, among other tasks.
The tea-trolley ladies were also back offering patients and visitors refreshments. Patients have been visited on the wards by the volunteers on the goods trolley which offers reading material, puzzle books and miscellaneous items.
Patients have been offered support at meal times where volunteers help with taking lids off containers, patients have been transported to appointments at Bundoora, babies have been cuddled in the Neonatal Unit, and patients in Palliative Care have been visited and gifted beautiful hand-made rugs from our local craft groups.
Our fabulous guides, who help patients, visitors and staff find their way around the hospital, are also back on deck, helping with parking and obtaining a wheelchair.
If you would like volunteer support in your area, please contact a member of our coordination team. Henni Wade manages the volunteers at Northern Hospital Epping. Natalie Carroll supports the volunteers at Bundoora Centre. Kim Berger looks after Broadmeadows Hospital and Craigieburn Centre volunteers. We are thrilled to now have Susan Palmer join our team to coordinate volunteer support at Kilmore District Hospital.
Our team organises all recruitment, ongoing support, daily supervision and role allocation and we also make sure we provide reward and recognition for our volunteers.
For more information about volunteer support, please contact the Volunteer Services Team on volunteer@nh.org.au or call 8405 8971.