Adult Community Mental Health services: new model of care
In line with the recommendations of the Royal Commission, a new model of care for Adult Community Mental Health is being launched. The aim of the redesign is to provide services at a level/intensity and timeliness that meets the consumer’s care needs, with the focus of keeping people well in the community.
Joy Barrowman, Director of Operations, North West Area Mental Health Service (NWAMHS) says, “We are shifting from an episodic to ongoing model of care that will provide better access and timely specialist mental health services, with focus on consumers’ recovery and prevention of relapse.”
The first phase began in February 2024 and involved the commencement of Consultant/Psychiatrist led Outpatient Clinics at the four community sites – Hotham Street, Hume, Merri-bek and Noogal Clinic.
The new model provides consumers with the option to transition to an outpatient stream of care with less intensive ongoing support for as long as they choose to engage. Early warning signs of relapse can be picked up, with an easy transition to more intensive treatment and care in the community setting. This will reduce the incidences of acute relapse and protracted recovery journeys.
Consumers eligible to be seen in the Outpatient Clinics are those who no longer require active case management in the community and consumers who are transitioning from a Northern Health Mental Health Inpatient Unit or Prevention and Recovery Care (PARC) Service and are deemed not to require case management. Internal referrals are identified at clinical review meetings and discussed directly with the Outpatient team.
Chris Ferguson, Manager – Lived Experience Workforce Manager, NWAMHS, says, “I’m excited about the provision of this new stream which better meets the changing needs of consumers accessing services. This new option is in line with the principles of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act which advocates for autonomy, supported decision making and access to diverse services. Northern Mental Health has shown real commitment and flexibility to meet consumers where they are at with our new model of care.”
Pictured Dr Owais Sharif and Aimee Kerr from the Noogal Clinic Outpatients team.