MRFF grant funding for falls
A project led by the University of Western Australia, with La Trobe University and Northern Health as key partners has received $1.4 million in funding, through the Medical Research Future Fund (MFF).
Northern Health Chief Investigators include Associate Professor Adam Semciw and Dr Hazel Heng, Allied Health Research Leads, La Trobe University and Northern Health. Professor Don Campbell and Uyen Phan, Associate Director of Physiotherapy are Associate Investigators.
Dr Heng says, “Patients who fall in hospital have nearly twice the length of stay compared to non-fallers. Hospital-related costs for fallers can be twice as much as non-fallers, with an estimated $38,991 in additional costs for each injurious hospital fall.”
She adds, “Receiving this grant highlights the collaborative effort between Northern Health and other hospitals across Western Australia and Victoria and speaks to the strengths and skills of our research team. This is a big step forward in our efforts to keep our patients safe, and I look forward to working with the team, the patients and the staff here at Northern Health.”
Mr Phan who is also the chair of the Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls, Clinical Improvement Committee, believes falls are everyone’s responsibilities, and this research is much needed.
He says, “The Preventing Falls and Harm from Falls, Clinical Improvement Committee and I are very excited to be part of this important work to reduce falls at Northern Health.”
Associate Professor Semciw is excited about the opportunity to implement and evaluate an innovative model of care directly on the wards, facilitating rapid translation of evidence into practice.
“It also provides an opportunity to mentor the next generation of clinician researchers, future proofing implementation research at Northern Health with support from key University partners at La Trobe University and University of Western Australia.”
“This grant is testimony to the power of collaboration between our academic partners at La Trobe University and University of Western Australia and frontline clinicians on the wards at Northern Health. It’s a great opportunity to build a lasting collaboration to the benefit of our patients,” says Professor Campbell.
Picture shows: Dr Hazel Heng, Professor Don Campbell, Uyen Phan and Associate Professor Adam Semciw.