Get to know: Nicola Mott
Get to know Nicola Mott, Imaging Manager, Northern Imaging Victoria.
What is your coffee order?
Soy latte, extra hot. Medium or small depending on the day.
Tell us about your Northern Health journey? (When you started, your roles here etc.)
I am relatively new to Northern Health, however I have worked in radiology at Northern Health since 2015. My official Northern Health journey began in October 2023 as Imaging Manager. My previous role was as general supervisor and then imaging manager. I was part of the team involved in bringing radiology in-house.
What do you like to do after work?
I prefer to do things before work! I am usually in the gym or working out from 6 am, Monday to Saturday. After work is more restful. Weekends during the soccer season, I am usually found cheering on my daughter’s team from the sidelines.
What are some things people don’t know about you?
I learned to play classical guitar from age seven and still like to play occasionally. Most people who meet me now don’t realise I spent the first 23 years in the UK before coming to Australia, as my accent has gone. I can break out into a broad Yorkshire accent on request.
Do you have a bucket list item? Something you would love to do.
Not a specific bucket list item but definitely more travel. A trip to see the Northern Lights would be amazing. I have three overseas trips planned for this year!