Stay protected: Staff flu vaccinations now available
Northern Health staff and volunteers are now able to receive their annual influenza (flu) vaccination.
As Melbourne’s cold winter months approach, now is the time for staff and volunteers to come forward, roll up their sleeves and boost their immunity with the flu vaccine.
It is recommended by the Department of Health that individuals receive their annual flu vaccine from mid-April onwards to ensure protection against the flu when it is at its highest during the peak flu season, typically between June and September.
Siva Sivarajah, Chief Executive, received his flu shot this morning. He said the vaccine was an important step in boosting your immunity this winter.
“It is that time of the year when we roll up our sleeves to protect ourselves, our community and our loved ones. The flu vaccine is our best defence in preparation for the winter season ahead,” he said.
It is mandatory that all staff members and volunteers at Northern Health receive the flu vaccine. Staff with contraindications with flu vaccination are required to send an exemption form to staff.health@nh.org.au
Influenza immunisers will be available to staff in the following formats:
Nurse immunisers in the wards.
Flu Pop up clinic at Northern Hospital Epping located outside Ward 21, between 9 am and 2 .30 pm. These sessions will occur every Monday/Wednesday/Friday for eight weeks, from 22 April to 14 June. Please ensure all clinical or non-clinical staff utilise this service as it will only run for a limited time.
For staff members who have had the vaccine elsewhere, you will be required to email evidence to staff.health@nh.org.au so we can ensure your Northern Health record is updated.
Community members are encouraged to speak to their local doctor or pharmacy to access flu vaccinations.
For more information, please visit the Intranet.
Featured image (L-R): Graham Wilson, Director, OHS, Jason Cirone, Chief Allied Health Officer, Siva Sivarajah, CE and LIsa Cox, Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer.