Six months of Better Connected Care
Today, 1 May 2024, marks six months since Northern Health and Kilmore District Health joined to become a stronger health service, caring for the growing and diverse needs of the northern catchment, together.
On 1 November, 2023, Kilmore District Health became a campus of Northern Health, joining an existing network of services across Craigieburn, Bundoora, Broadmeadows, Epping, Mill Park, Preston and Mernda. Under the Northern Health brand, the service itself became known as Kilmore District Hospital.
With an established history of successful collaboration, the amalgamation was a natural evolution of our partnership, and has already taken steps towards a more a sustainable future for both staff and patients. While much has remained unchanged, there have been some significant achievements.
“It’s been a busy, but exciting six months since the voluntary amalgamation between Kilmore District Health and Northern Health,” said Jennifer Gilham, Divisional Director, Community Hospitals.
“During this time, we have seen the commencement of paediatric clinics and more doctors employed in urgent care to support increased medical coverage. We have also received support from the Northern Health Workforce Unit to help transition Northern Health staff to work at Kilmore when required.”
“We have been able to increase surgical lists at Kilmore and provide birthing and post-natal care for maternity patients when demand for these services has been high at Northern Hospital. We have also seen greater opportunity for professional development and access to study days. To date, 25 of our senior leaders have attended the two day Navigating Northern course,” Ms Gilham added.
Bec van de Paverd, Director of Nursing and Site Director, Kilmore District Hospital, is also proud of the significant achievements of staff, and of the progress towards better connected care.
“The amalgamation has brought together our resources and expertise, facilitating streamlined processes and an enriched patient experience, ensuring the ongoing delivery of high-quality care.”
“A notable achievement has been the introduction of Values Week and our focussed efforts to improve access to Maternity services and the Urgent Care Centre. These initiatives enable more members of our community to access care conveniently closer to home,” Ms van de Paverd said.
While there has been a significant amount of work involved in integrating ICT, finance, quality, safety processes, policies and procedures, the teams have successfully united to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted transition.
“We have also been able to tap into the expertise of project managers to support and progress capital projects such as the theatre work, antenatal clinic and coming soon… an on-site cafe to support consumers, visitors and staff,” said Ms Gilham.
“Most of all it has been fantastic to see staff at all campuses dedicated and committed to providing a comprehensive range of services, as well as identifying new opportunities for services at Kilmore. This has enabled greater collaboration and more comprehensive care for our local Kilmore community, who can access care close to home where possible, with streamlined access to a major metropolitan health service if required.”